We first heard about Mamaki tea from our Doctor for its amazing health benefits, we have been hooked ever since. Find out why this Hawaiian wonder tea is so good for you, where it comes from and how to brew it to perfection.
According to the Journal of Food Science, Mamaki has therapeutic value in regulating blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. (1)

What is Mamaki tea
The Tea Thief Mamaki Tea is Caffeine free and is grown only in the tropical Island of Hawaii. The Plantation is the first and only certified plantation of the exclusive Hawaiian grown Mamaki, which is rich in polyphenol antioxidants and minerals. Mamaki is an ancient healing herbal tea known as Pipturus albidus, a species of flowering plant in the nettle family. It inhabits mostly tropical coastal regions and elevations of 60m to 1800m. Its a small plant that can reach a height of 9m.

What are the benefits of Mamaki Tea
1) Cancer Prevention
A diet rich in plant based antioxidants can certainly assist in reducing the risk of cancer. We cannot say for sure that whether Mamaki tea and green tea can prevent or treat cancer however Mamaki tea is known for its high levels of micronutrients and antioxidant properties. This makes it an excellent tea for regulating blood pressure, energy and muscle function. This up and coming 'super' tea outperforms the well renowned antioxidant teas such as Green tea, Black tea and Oolong.
Antioxidants found in the tea may help maintain cell integrity and fight free radicals.
Beta-Carotene may neutralise free radicals and increase cellular antioxidant defence.
A scientific study in Hawaii was undertaken on the composition of Mamaki tea and its benefits.
2) Digestive Aid
Mamaki tea contains a compound known as cholorgenic acid, which can also be found in burdock and many root vegetables and may be able to sooth digestive disorders and alleviate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, excessive flatulence, constipation and much more. The catechins help here as well, as we know that these compounds can play a role in reducing digestive distress when consumed in the form of tea.
3) Detox
This word relating to tea is causing some controversy due to many companies using laxatives such as senna which can lead to liver damage (2)
As a Hawaiian traditional medicine believed to 'cleanse the blood' Mamaki tea can support the liver naturally in the same way that dandelion root and nettle root can help.
4) Brain Health
Traditionally consumed for its stimulating effects Mamaki is high in Cachetins and Rutins. The Cachetin content could produce a clean energy boost, and help to improve focus.
Mamaki tea may also help to decrease irritability and is said to be particularly useful in controlling stress and regulating mood. Some claim that it can help alleviate some of the symptoms of PMS
The graph below shows the levels of Cachetins and Rutins in comparison with other teas known for their antioxidant properties.

5) High in Essential Key Minerals
Calcium is vital for healthy bones and important for healthy blood pressure (3)
Magnesium helps blood vessels relax, is good for energy production, and bone development (4)
Potassium is important for muscle function, including relaxing the walls of the blood vessels (5)
Zinc is an essential element required for the function of more than 300 enzymes, helps to regulate the immune system, is anti-inflammatory and accelerates wound healing (6)
Iron is also vital for a health - mostly stored in red blood cells which are essential for transporting oxygen to the organs and tissues throughout the body. Your red blood cells cannot effectively provide oxygen to your cells without healthy levels of iron (7)
Figure 2A. Show the high levels of potassium, calcium and magnesium compared to other types of tea.

Figure 2B shows the high levels of Zinc and Iron in comparison

What does Mamaki tea taste like?
Its delicious light, easy to drink and is not disimilar to green tea with a hint of lemon and nuttiness. However there is no bitterness if over-brewed
How to brew the perfect cup of Mamaki Tea.
It can be drunk anytime of the day or all day long if you like! There are no known after effects of drinking too much Mamaki tea.
Begin with filtered or spring water for the best results.
Use 1 Tsp per 250mls in a tea pot
Pour boiling water over the tea and let the infusion begin!
Mamaki tea can be steeped anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 minutes or longer, its all about personal taste.
The longer you steep the nutrients, flavour and colour become stronger. Unlike green tea It will never turn bitter.
Where is it grown?
Grown in nutrient dense volcanic soil thriving on Hawaiian water which is some of the purest and safest water in the world. The plantation is situated at the ideal elevation of 700m for abundant, pure rain. This rainwater seeps through the soil absorbs the rich, abundant nutrients supplied by the volcanic soil and is purified. Water that contains the specific nutrients imparted through volcanic lava is rare and therefore highly desirable as a water source for Mamaki.

Photo by Nathan Ziemanski on Unsplash
Mamaki is naturally resistant to almost all known pests and diseases No pesticides and harmful substances are used in in the fertilisation and growing of the tea although non-certified organic the tea is grown in the same way as a certified organic plantation.